EVENT EQUIPMENT sound and said

As already mentioned, that the phonetic (artrikulatoris) examine how to make sounds - the sounds of language. The main power source to form the sounds of language that came out of the air from the lungs - pulmonary. When the air out of the lungs through the throat, there is a barrier some that did not have barriers.
The process of forming and uttered the sound take place in a continuum. According to the functional noise analysis, noise currents that continuum can be categorized based on certain segments. There is also a sound that can not be categorized into segments - a particular segment called suprasegmental sound. Therefore, the sounds of language can be divided into (1) sound segmental and (2) suprasegmental sound.
The process of forming the sounds of language in the outline is divided into 4 types, namely: (1) The sound out of the lungs - lungs, (2) fonasi process, namely the passage of sound in the throat, (3) the articulation of sound forming process by the articulator and, (4) the process oro - nasal, the sound out through the mouth or nose (Ladefoged, 1973: 2 - 3).

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