Catfish Business

Catfish business potential is relatively large because demand is very high, therefore this time the business idea is to discuss business prospects catfish. I personally recommend that you do business uintuk catfish if you have a hobby in the world fisheries. Why should a hobby? because the challenge is also pretty good if you are completely blind about fish farming. However, if indeed you have found the right formula for this catfish business, I do not think so little that you can profit handful.
If your capital is relatively large are heading stage you can cultivate and pendederan or enlargement. Pendederan Actually it is the maintenance of fish larvae size measuring 2 weeks until ready to sell, which is 5 to 7 cm, 7 - 9 cm and 9 to 12 cm Itupun rewarded with a different price. Kalo enlargement means that the term refers to fish consumption is kept to the size of a kilo is usually 5-6. Why this stage requires that capital is relatively higher than seeding, because you may need to rent / create perkolaman for pendederan. Although lower difficulties, is still needed diligence in considering pendederan catfish are also cannibals, because it is a carnivore catfish and often takes his own if different sizes. One of them is to do sorting or grading and also diligently in providing the feed.
One is the continuity of business constraints in an effort to meet customer needs.
feeding problems because we know that the price is relatively expensive fish between Rp.4.000, - to Rp. 5000, - and this is not a good thing for catfish farmers. Menyiasatinya usually sought for an alternative source of cheap food and feed ingredient manufacturing with materials - local materials

Definition Syariah Financial

Financial system stability is a condition in which the economic mechanism of pricing, allocation of funds and risk management function and sustained economic growth. "

Meaning of financial system stability can be understood by doing research on factors that could cause instability in the financial sector. Instability of the financial system can be triggered by various causes and turmoil. This is generally a combination of market failure, either because of structural and behavioral factors. The failure of the market itself can be sourced from external (international) and internal (domestic). Risks that often accompany the activities in the financial system include credit risk, liquidity risk, market risk and operational risk.

The increasing trend of globalization of financial sector supported by technological developments led to the financial system becomes increasingly integrated with no lag time and boundaries. In addition, the innovation of financial products increasingly dynamic and diverse with a higher complexity. These developments may lead to other sources of financial system instability triggers increased and more diverse, also can cause more difficulties to overcome such instability.

Identification of the source of the instability of financial systems are generally more forward looking (look forward). This is intended to determine the potential risks that will arise and will affect the future condition of the financial system. On the basis of the identification results are then performed analysis of how far the potential risk of becoming more dangerous, widespread and systemic that it can paralyze the economy.

FPI Prevent the Indonesian Miyabi

Jakarta - the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) march home Maxima Pictures production, Indonesia opposed the arrival of the porn actresses Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi. Massa led by Habib Fachry. Before you take action, they gathered at the Masjid Nurul Abror, Mangga Dua, Jakarta Pusat. people - people carrying a white flag of FPI.

The demonstrators also carried two banners that read "Do not make this country as terporno countries in the world!" And "Reject Miyabi to Indonesia, the destroyer of moral nation!".
Maftuh Religious Minister Basyuni not oppose the arrival of porn actress to Indonesia.

"I do not know, just heard a little bit (about the coming Miyabi). But the origin is not porn that's okay. The important thing is not contrary to the law we have. Period of people want to come, we kicked? "Maftuh said after signing the MoU with the Ministry of National Education and the Constitutional Court at the Sheraton Hotel, Jl Gunung Sahari Raya, Jakarta.

According to MUI Chairman Amidhan, rejection can be made Miyabi, for example, by holding a meeting with State Minister of Women Empowerment, Menbudpar, or minister.

Personally Amidhan also rejected the arrival Miyabi. "In my opinion, if it's clear he's a porn star, blue star should not be filmed here. Moreover arrival invite pro cons, "said Amidhan.
He said the arrival of Miyabi only purely profit-oriented and mental damage to the nation.

"Because, increasingly addressed, dihebohkan even become free advertising for him. If later the film was passed, ABG will be a lot of movies. Then, they idolized and feared for pornonya movie, "said Amidhan.

For that, Amidhan requested that producers and directors are not invited to the Indonesian Miyabi. "He said just comedy. I'm afraid it'll covernya. Later there after kidnapped, could have saved it for the movie pornonya, although use replacement players, "said Amidhan.

Odi Mulya Hidayat from Maxima Pictures will not guarantee beradegan Miyabi hot in the movie that will be made in Indonesia. Maria Ozawa's election as the only breakthrough in Indonesian cinema. "We're just looking for a new breakthrough for our film a little sluggish, that's all. Moreover, we do not create heat or pornographic movies, "said Odi. (DTC-46)

Source: SuaraMerdeka

Oyster mushroom

Amur oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus) or white oyster mushrooms are fungi food with semicircular hood like an oyster shell with the center slightly concave and white to cream. Oyster mushroom is a relative of the Pleurotus eryngii or King Oyster Mushroom.

Fruit body has a stem that grows sideways (Latin: Pleurotus) and shaped like an oyster (ostreatus), so the oyster mushroom has a Binomial name Pleurotus ostreatus. Part of the hood to change color from black, gray, brown, to white, with a nearly smooth surface, 5-20 cm in diameter. Smooth edge slightly sloping hood. Rod-shaped spores measuring 8-11 × 3-4μm. Miselia white and can grow quickly.

In the wild, oyster mushrooms can be found almost throughout the year in the forest in the cool mountainous regions. Visible fruit bodies piled on the surface of each tree that is decaying or main trunk of the tree was felled.

Mushroom cultivation is relatively simple. Oyster mushrooms are usually repair with planting medium sterile sawdust packed in plastic bags.

In addition to a mixture of different types of cuisine, oyster mushrooms is a statin drug raw materials. Oyster mushroom known to kill and digest nematodes are likely to be done to obtain nitrogen.

Victims of the Earthquake Due Soul Jabar

Ten people were reported killed in Cianjur, Tasikmalaya eight, three in Garut, one in Sukabumi and one in Bandung west. Houses several casualties in Cianjur landslide buried.

The earthquake caused panic and led to a small tidal wave.

Authorities have reported dozens of collapsed buildings caused by the earthquake. In the south of Jakarta and Bandung damage. Eyewitnesses reported buildings shaking in the capital and could therefore vacated.

They say the vibration was almost a minute. Many people panic to leave the office and shopping center.

U.S. Geological Agency reported an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale. According to the U.S. Geological Agency, the epicenter is located at a depth of nearly 50 kilometers below sea level.

Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, BMG reported an earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale and epicenter located 142 kilometers southwest of Tasikmalaya.

The authorities have issued an early warning in the tide of Indian Ocean coastal areas.

International tsunami warning center to warn the possibility of a strong tide in the distance of 100 kilometers around the epicenter. However, there is no threat of tsunami in coastal areas.

source :

History of meteorological and geophysical

istory of meteorological and geophysical observations in Indonesia started in the year 1841 begins with the observations made by Dr individually. Onnen, Chief Hospital in Bogor. Year after year, developing its activities in accordance with the increasing need for weather observation data and geophysics. In 1866, the activities of individual observations by the Dutch East Indies government established a government agency with the name en Magnetisch or Meteorologisch Observatory and Meteorological Observatory Magnetic led by Dr. Bergsma. In the year 1879 built a network of 74 measuring rainfall observation stations in Java. In 1902 observations of the earth's magnetic field was moved from Jakarta to Bogor. Earthquake observations began in 1908 with the installation of horizontal component Wiechert seismograph in Jakarta, while the vertical component assembly held in 1928. In the year 1912 the reorganization carried out meteorological observations by adding a secondary network. As for meteorological services began to be used for lighting in 1930. During the Japanese occupation between the years 1942 to 1945, a meteorology and geophysics agency renamed Kisho Kauso Kusho. After the proclamation of Indonesian independence in 1945, agencies are split into two: In Yogyakarta formed the Bureau of Meteorology in the Supreme Headquarters environment Indonesian People's Army specifically to serve the interests of the Air Force.

Established in Jakarta's Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, under the Ministry of Public Works and Labor On July 21, 1947 Bureau of Meteorology and Geophysics taken over by the Dutch government and renamed to Meteorologisch en Geofisiche Dienst. In the meantime, there is also the Bureau of Meteorology and Geophysics maintained by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, the position of these offices on Jl. Gondangdia, Jakarta. In 1949, after the transfer of sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia from the Netherlands, Meteorologisch en Dienst converted Geofisiche Meteorological department under the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works. Furthermore, in 1950 Indonesia was officially entered as a member of the World Meteorological Organization (World Meteorological Organization, or WMO) and the Head of the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau became the Permanent Representative of Indonesia with WMO. In 1955 the Bureau of Meteorology and Geophysics Agency was renamed the Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics in the Department of Transportation, and in 1960 his name restored to the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau under the Ministry of Civil Aviation. In 1965, its name was changed to the Directorate of Meteorology and Geophysics, his position remained under the Department of the Air Perhubugan. In 1972, the Directorate of Meteorology and Geophysics Agency was renamed the Central Meteorological and Geophysical Agency, an echelon II level agency under the Department of Transportation, and in 1980 its status elevated to an echelon I level agency with the name of Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, remained under the Ministry Transportation. Finally in 2002, with the President's decision No. 46 and 48 in 2002, the organizational structure was changed to non-departmental government institution (Officials) with the name remains the Meteorological and Geophysics Agency.

source : meteorological and geophysical

Dividends will be non-tax revenues

Jakarta - Ministry for State Owned Enterprises (State Minister for State Owned Enterprises) together with the Minister of Finance was completed the company's dividend distribution changes state to the State Non-Tax Revenue (non-tax revenues) Ministry of SOEs.

With these changes, then the dividend is no longer directly into the state treasury. "Should the dividends that his ministry is non-tax revenues, this is what happened during the state-owned companies to deposit directly to the finance department," said Secretary of the Ministry of SOEs Mohamad Said Didu in Jakarta, late last week.

He explains, is the state finance law has suggested it. "It happens only just direct administration to the state treasury," he said.

Said added that the process will be similar to that already done by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), where the dividends collected by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources then deposited into the state treasury. "Thus, the ministry will easily monitor their financial and in accordance with state finance law," he added. [Mre / cms]

source : INILAH.COM

Grief Sumatra, earthquake Sumatra, 1,000 more dead

Head of UN Humanitarian Assistance said at least 1100 people were killed in earthquake in Sumatra.

John Holmes said hundreds of people injured and the data confirmed death toll will continue to rise.

Rescue teams are still working hard until late at night to seek victims who still live under the rubble of collapsed buildings.

Holmes told reporters: "The last figure we get is the death toll has now reached 1100 people.

"And of course hundreds of people injured. I predict that number will increase if the relief operation has been completed."

Assessment team will arrive in Padang on Friday, and UN officials will decide to launch a request for emergency assistance or to use money from the UN Emergency Relief Fund, added Holmes
Indonesian government previously estimated the number of casualties in this earthquake will be high.

"We estimate thousands of people may die," said Rustam Pakaya, head of Center for Crisis Control Ministry of Health Ministry of Health.

The day after the quake shook the West Sumatra, Thursday morning, 7 magnitude earthquake rocked SR Jambi Province.

According Climatology Meteorology and Geophysics (BMKG), the earthquake which happened at about 8:52 pm was located at 2:44 south latitude-101.59 east longitude, or about 46 km south-east Sungaipenuh City, Jambi.

So far have not reported the amount of damage and casualties caused by the earthquake in this Jambi.

GOLDEN CATS is rare animals

Golden Cats are a mysterious kind and very difficult in the current encounter, very little knowledge about the behavior and ecology of this species, including their population in the region. patterns of animal life is not known clearly not like other types of forest cat.

Fur color ranging from blonde to dark brown. At the bottom of the head and tail are white lines that can be seen easily. in 1996, through photo trapping, for the first time a cat had terpetret Gold colored black. This animal is found dapt from lowland until height of 2000 m above sea level.

Her life was not sesoliter other cats and is often seen moving in groups, families or in pairs. Generally, these animals move on land even though they are good at climbing and active during the day, although they are excellent hunters at night. Location is thought to be habitat Seblat Mark and Mt.

And there is an article that states

Golden Cats usually called the Golden Fire paint or paint, this animal is one of the animals come campaigned reply Extinct Creatures Prevent Adsense Surabaya community. Golden cat (Catopuma temminicki) is one of the seven types of cats that live in the area of Kerinci Seblat National Park. The main characteristic of the Golden Cats are almost all brown body to emas2an (as the name) but there was also reply gray or brown gray. There are also black and wrote this kind is the most endangered species!

This golden cats living areas spread from Tibet, Nepal, China, Burma, Thailand to Indochina, Malaysia, and Sumatra. Another Ciri2 gold cat has an average weight for the size of the adult cat about 8-12 kg with a length from head to tail reaches 1.2 meters. As usual brother cats, these animals are sometimes seen the stripes without losing its specific color. The animal was slightly longer than the usual cats and have never met with entirely black. The back of the roundabout there ears short black lines. White line bordered white color is in his cheek, which emerged from the inner corner of his eye. Abdomen always lighter colored than the hips.

Greater than his cousin from the African, Asian golden cats Temminck sized dog. There is another called the Fishing Cat is found in several other parts of the world, which is also somewhat similar in size. Wozencraft, in a controversial explanation of the classification system of these animals in 1993 considered the golden cat is a kind Catopuma Temminck, along with the Borneo bay cat was saying is one version of Temminck cat (Wozencraft 1993), too. African golden cats apart from the two species, and now stands alone with a type (genus) Profelis. All the cats are classified as Felis.

Era of globalization demands that make the information as a resource acceleration of economic behavior, political, social, and cultural, causing the flow and absorption of information through electronic media is fast-paced too.

Context of globalization is also inevitable in the policies related to governance (governance) institutions. Information associated with the development policies of education should necessarily conform to the demands of local changes in the global prospective fast-paced. Rule think globally, act locally is one reflection of how the information in the regions of the world and between countries has a very quick opportunity to change the behavior of the local the local culture through penetration of information.

Since the object of education is a community development as a national entity, the information given must also be a communication medium that contains the meaning of education and learning, so that the resultant change in behavior is a change in the collective behavior of a nation building process.

To answer this challenge pages as one source of information that education and learning can positively contribute in changing the behavior of developing nations to develop behaviors which are full of knowledge (knowledge-based society).


Minister of National Education

Bambang Sudibyo

source :

How to edit video movie maker. .???

Digital video editing is often used and can only be done by certain people only. But with current technology, enabling all people can make personal video recording. Today we will try to take tips on how to edit the video using software that is generally already available for you to use the Windows XP operating system. Software name is Movie maker, your application can be run through the Program menu. Here are tipsnya for you:
1. Before we do editing for our video is, of course we must provide our video to edit it first. For your Handycam users can directly transfer using Firewire cable, USB or S-Video cable is taken by camcorders. And to you who took the video using a mobile phone or the other can also do a similar manner.
2. Applications Run Movie maker your computer, if you do not have your computer, but the video is still in camcorders we will capture first by clicking the menu from video capture devices. Make sure the cable is connected camcorders into your PC. If you're ready then you will stay start to finish to capture the end of your video.
3. If our video to edit already exists in our computers so things should be done is to import the video, image our camera shots or music-music that had us ready to beautify our video edits.
4. If all the videos and pictures to be edited is ready then we will do further editing of the video. Movie maker is designed for home movie editor so that the effects and transitions, and other things created for home users instant, however, this software is more than enough to produce good video.
5. After the video went on the list COLLECTION. And the video will automatically cut into pieces cut frame.jika you want to cut the video back into some more parts then select the video to cut and run by pressing the PLAY button and press the SPLIT INTO THE CLIP AT THE TWO CLIPS CURRENT FRAME that exist under the video screen is being played.
6. Having satisfied the video cut into several pieces, put the video you want (Drag) to the storyboard which is located at the bottom of this program. If you want to include all direct select button CLTR + A and drag.
7. If you want to add certain effects on the video you select VIEW VIDEO EFFECTS. Then will come some effects that are ready to use. Choose one of these effects and put it on the desired video in this Storyboard. To see the results select videos that have been given effect and play.
8. If you want to add animation transfer between the video (Transition) select VIEW VIDEO TRANSISIONS. Then the transition will appear several ready to use. Choose one of these transition and put it on the desired video in this Storyboard. To see the results select videos that have been given the transition and play.
9. If you want to add text or texts select titles MAKES OR CREDITS. Will display several options select one of these options and then input the text you want to add to the video earlier. If you want to add animation in this paper can click on the button CHANGE THE TITLE ANIMATION. Then select the animation that diinginkan.Jika want to change the shape or color of writing letters that you type can click on the button CHANGE THE TEXT FONT COLOR OR. Then select the desired form of writing. If you are satisfied replace the selected text article DONE, ADD TO MOVIE TITLE.
10. Video editing you have to stay in place in the computer by pressing the SAVE TO MY COMPUTER or save it to a CD by pressing the SAVE TO CD or send it by email by pressing SEND IN EMAIL or send them to the Web or your site by pressing SEND TO THE WEB or save it into the DV camera by pressing SEND TO DV CAMERA. To find out the results I suggest to store on your computer by pressing the SAVE TO MY COMPUTER.Video already in the edit ready to play.
