Jakarta - the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) march home Maxima Pictures production, Indonesia opposed the arrival of the porn actresses Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi. Massa led by Habib Fachry. Before you take action, they gathered at the Masjid Nurul Abror, Mangga Dua, Jakarta Pusat. people - people carrying a white flag of FPI.
The demonstrators also carried two banners that read "Do not make this country as terporno countries in the world!" And "Reject Miyabi to Indonesia, the destroyer of moral nation!".
Maftuh Religious Minister Basyuni not oppose the arrival of porn actress to Indonesia.
"I do not know, just heard a little bit (about the coming Miyabi). But the origin is not porn that's okay. The important thing is not contrary to the law we have. Period of people want to come, we kicked? "Maftuh said after signing the MoU with the Ministry of National Education and the Constitutional Court at the Sheraton Hotel, Jl Gunung Sahari Raya, Jakarta.
According to MUI Chairman Amidhan, rejection can be made Miyabi, for example, by holding a meeting with State Minister of Women Empowerment, Menbudpar, or minister.
Personally Amidhan also rejected the arrival Miyabi. "In my opinion, if it's clear he's a porn star, blue star should not be filmed here. Moreover arrival invite pro cons, "said Amidhan.
He said the arrival of Miyabi only purely profit-oriented and mental damage to the nation.
"Because, increasingly addressed, dihebohkan even become free advertising for him. If later the film was passed, ABG will be a lot of movies. Then, they idolized and feared for pornonya movie, "said Amidhan.
For that, Amidhan requested that producers and directors are not invited to the Indonesian Miyabi. "He said just comedy. I'm afraid it'll covernya. Later there after kidnapped, could have saved it for the movie pornonya, although use replacement players, "said Amidhan.
Odi Mulya Hidayat from Maxima Pictures will not guarantee beradegan Miyabi hot in the movie that will be made in Indonesia. Maria Ozawa's election as the only breakthrough in Indonesian cinema. "We're just looking for a new breakthrough for our film a little sluggish, that's all. Moreover, we do not create heat or pornographic movies, "said Odi. (DTC-46)
Source: SuaraMerdeka
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