History of meteorological and geophysical

istory of meteorological and geophysical observations in Indonesia started in the year 1841 begins with the observations made by Dr individually. Onnen, Chief Hospital in Bogor. Year after year, developing its activities in accordance with the increasing need for weather observation data and geophysics. In 1866, the activities of individual observations by the Dutch East Indies government established a government agency with the name en Magnetisch or Meteorologisch Observatory and Meteorological Observatory Magnetic led by Dr. Bergsma. In the year 1879 built a network of 74 measuring rainfall observation stations in Java. In 1902 observations of the earth's magnetic field was moved from Jakarta to Bogor. Earthquake observations began in 1908 with the installation of horizontal component Wiechert seismograph in Jakarta, while the vertical component assembly held in 1928. In the year 1912 the reorganization carried out meteorological observations by adding a secondary network. As for meteorological services began to be used for lighting in 1930. During the Japanese occupation between the years 1942 to 1945, a meteorology and geophysics agency renamed Kisho Kauso Kusho. After the proclamation of Indonesian independence in 1945, agencies are split into two: In Yogyakarta formed the Bureau of Meteorology in the Supreme Headquarters environment Indonesian People's Army specifically to serve the interests of the Air Force.

Established in Jakarta's Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, under the Ministry of Public Works and Labor On July 21, 1947 Bureau of Meteorology and Geophysics taken over by the Dutch government and renamed to Meteorologisch en Geofisiche Dienst. In the meantime, there is also the Bureau of Meteorology and Geophysics maintained by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, the position of these offices on Jl. Gondangdia, Jakarta. In 1949, after the transfer of sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia from the Netherlands, Meteorologisch en Dienst converted Geofisiche Meteorological department under the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works. Furthermore, in 1950 Indonesia was officially entered as a member of the World Meteorological Organization (World Meteorological Organization, or WMO) and the Head of the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau became the Permanent Representative of Indonesia with WMO. In 1955 the Bureau of Meteorology and Geophysics Agency was renamed the Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics in the Department of Transportation, and in 1960 his name restored to the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau under the Ministry of Civil Aviation. In 1965, its name was changed to the Directorate of Meteorology and Geophysics, his position remained under the Department of the Air Perhubugan. In 1972, the Directorate of Meteorology and Geophysics Agency was renamed the Central Meteorological and Geophysical Agency, an echelon II level agency under the Department of Transportation, and in 1980 its status elevated to an echelon I level agency with the name of Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, remained under the Ministry Transportation. Finally in 2002, with the President's decision No. 46 and 48 in 2002, the organizational structure was changed to non-departmental government institution (Officials) with the name remains the Meteorological and Geophysics Agency.

source : meteorological and geophysical

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